Delicious and healthy 100% complete senior dog food for 100% joyful mealtimes, Succulent wet dog food recipes your senior dog will simply love, specially crafted for his needs, 150g dog food tray in jelly lovingly prepared to be delicate and balanced, Gentle on the stomach for easy digestion, with high quality ingredients and key nutrients for your senior dog, Delicious senior dog food recipes made with no added sugars, no artificial colours or flavours.
With Tender Beef & Vegetables: Meat and Animal Derivatives (45%, including 4% Beef), Vegetables (including 4% of a mix of Carrots and Peas), Cereals (including 4% Rice), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin. With Tender Chicken & Rice: Meat and Animal Derivatives (45%, including 4% Chicken), Cereals (including 4% Cooked Rice), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin. With Tender Lamb & Peas: Meat and Animal Derivatives (45%, including 4% Lamb), Vegetables (including 4% Peas), Cereals (including 4% Rice), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin. With Tender Turkey & Rice: Meat and Animal Derivatives (45%, including 4% Veal), Cereals (including 4% Cooked Rice), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Minerals, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin.
Allergy Information
No Added Sugar
Nutritional Information
With Tender Beef & Vegetables:
Typical Values |
Analytical constituents (%): |
Protein: |
9 |
Fat content: |
5.5 |
Inorganic matter: |
2 |
Crude fibres: |
0.3 |
Moisture: |
82 |
Additives per kg: |
Nutritional additives: |
Vitamin D3: |
250 IU |
Calcium iodate anhydrous: |
0.46 mg |
Cupric sulphate pentahydrate: |
9.8 mg |
Ferrous sulphate monohydrate: |
12 mg |
Manganous sulphate monohydrate: |
6.8 mg |
Zinc sulphate monohydrate: |
44.5 mg |
Technological additives: |
Cassia gum: |
1625 mg |
With Tender Chicken & Rice:
Typical Values |
Analytical constituents (%): |
Protein: |
9 |
Fat content: |
5.5 |
Inorganic matter: |
2 |
Crude fibres: |
0.3 |
Moisture: |
82 |
Additives per kg: |
Nutritional additives: |
Vitamin D3: |
250 IU |
Calcium iodate anhydrous: |
0.46 mg |
Cupric sulphate pentahydrate: |
9.8 mg |
Ferrous sulphate monohydrate: |
12 mg |
Manganous sulphate monohydrate: |
6.8 mg |
Zinc sulphate monohydrate: |
44.5 mg |
Technological additives: |
Cassia gum: |
1625 mg |
With Tender Lamb & Peas:
Typical Values |
Analytical constituents (%): |
Protein: |
9 |
Fat content: |
5.5 |
Inorganic matter: |
2 |
Crude fibres: |
0.3 |
Moisture: |
82 |
Additives per kg: |
Nutritional additives: |
Vitamin D3: |
250 IU |
Calcium iodate anhydrous: |
0.46 mg |
Cupric sulphate pentahydrate: |
9.8 mg |
Ferrous sulphate monohydrate: |
12 mg |
Manganous sulphate monohydrate: |
6.8 mg |
Zinc sulphate monohydrate: |
44.5 mg |
Technological additives: |
Cassia gum: |
1625 mg |
With Tender Turkey & Rice:
Typical Values |
Analytical constituents (%): |
Protein: |
9 |
Fat content: |
5.5 |
Inorganic matter: |
2 |
Crude fibres: |
0.3 |
Moisture: |
82 |
Additives per kg: |
Nutritional additives: |
Vitamin D3: |
250 IU |
Calcium iodate anhydrous: |
0.46 mg |
Cupric sulphate pentahydrate: |
9.8 mg |
Ferrous sulphate monohydrate: |
12 mg |
Manganous sulphate monohydrate: |
6.8 mg |